Launch: Tranche 1 Transport A

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Scheduled Launch Time:
Sep 2024
Summary: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the Tranche 1 Transport A mission. The launch date is currently targeted for September, 2024 (UTC).
Live Launch Video
If a live video stream is available for this launch, it will be shown here*.

Details & More Info

Mission / Payload: Tranche 1 Transport A
Tags / Other Info: Series: SDA TTL
Launch Provider: SpaceX
Launch Vehicle: Falcon 9
Launchpad: SLC-4E, Vandenberg SFB, CA, United States
Launch Window opens: Unknown
See also: Upcoming SpaceX launches
* Video coverage varies between launch providers — sometimes we get several hours of lead-up video with commentary, sometimes it's just a few minutes with minimal audio. This page will be updated if/when the provider makes the video stream available.
Data by RocketLaunch.Live
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